Parental Guide to Screen Time Management
Establishing screen time guidelines can be challenging. It’s difficult to determine what amount is excessive, and even more challenging to get children to adhere to these guidelines.
While there is no universal solution for managing screen time, experts offer some strategies to help you set sensible boundaries, support your child, and importantly, be lenient with yourself.
Focus on Overall Wellness
Instead of merely tracking hours spent on digital devices, clinical psychologists advise to consider your child’s total well-being by using a developmental checklist to assess whether your child participates in essential activities for their development, such as sufficient sleep, regular physical activity, family interaction, maintaining friendships, and keeping up with schoolwork.
If your child is generally well-balanced with these activities, an extra hour of screen time here and there is not overly concerning. Conversely, excessive solitude or avoidance of physical activities might indicate deeper issues like depression, necessitating intervention.
Implementing Reasonable Limits
After evaluating your child’s overall development, you might find it necessary to adjust their screen time. It is suggested to start with empathy, acknowledging that screens are a significant source of relaxation and entertainment for children. This understanding can help reduce tension and resistance to new rules.
Strategic Approaches to Screen Time:
Reward Additional Screen Time: Consider offering extra screen time as a reward for positive behaviours, such as preparing for bed or completing chores without fussing.
Encourage Alternative Activities: Experts in this field suggests preparing an “activity menu” with your child. This menu would list enjoyable non-screen activities to engage in when they feel bored or overwhelmed.
Maintain a Schedule: Establishing specific screen time slots during the day can help manage expectations and reduce constant requests for screen use.
Model Appropriate Screen Use: Demonstrate healthy screen habits yourself to naturally encourage your children to follow suit.
Promote Connections: Utilize technology for meaningful interactions, such as video calls with family, which can provide emotional support and strengthen relationships.
Maintaining Consistency
Once rules are established, some resistance from your children is normal. Dr. Anderson describes this as an “extinction burst” *, where children test boundaries to see if they hold firm. Consistency in the early stages is key to settling into new routines.
Tips for Enforcing New Rules:
Avoid Arguments: Stick to the established rules without getting drawn into debates over screen time limits.
Choose Optimal Timing: Implement changes during periods of transition, like after a holiday, when your child might be more receptive to new routines.
Re-evaluate and Adjust: Consider a trial period for new rules, especially for older children, to find a balance that respects their autonomy while maintaining wellness.
Balance and Flexibility
Ultimately, the goal is not to adhere rigidly to rules but to find a balance that suits your family’s needs. Sometimes, relaxing screen time rules might be necessary to accommodate your schedule or to manage stress levels effectively.
By focusing on overall wellness, setting flexible boundaries, and maintaining open communication, you can create a supportive environment that navigates the challenges of screen time in a way that respects both your needs and those of your child.
* The definition of an extinction burst is a sudden and dramatic increase in behaviour when reinforcement for that behaviour has been removed. It is a temporary response pattern and will diminish and then stop as the reinforcement for the behaviour no longer follows the voluntary action.